Friday, June 11, 2010

Roach Headdress

© copyright Linda Swanson all rights reserved

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I love the headdress on this boy.  I wanted to run my hand over it to see how it felt.  Apparently they're called "roach headdresses."  Porcupine roaches can be commonly seen at powwows, where they are still worn as regalia by male dancers from many different tribes.  They were not generally as spiritually meaningful as warbonnet headdresses, though a boy earning the right to wear a roach for the first time was an important ceremony in some tribes.  As I look at this photo, it does not appear to me that these are made of porcupine quills.

crown, golden in show is but a wreath of thorns.
John Milton quotes (English PoetHistorian and Scholar. Ranks second, only to Shakespeare, among English poets. 1608-1674